creative, respectful, and honest writing (nonfiction or poetry) and art (.jpeg or .png preferred) to be featured on The I'm Okay Collective web site under the Creativity for Wellness forum section.
Anonymity is understood and encouraged if that feels right for you. Otherwise, we will publish you under your first name and last initial as well as the state or country where you reside.
For example: Mary S. / Ohio
This is not a literary magazine but a safe-brave space to share your thoughts about these topics in a creative way. Your submission will be considered based on its relevance to the topic of emotional struggling/wellness and not any academic "form" or past literary accolades. We ask you to submit creative works that highlight your experiences navigating your feelings and ponderings in or out of the "mental health system." We are interested in writing and art that explore topics included on The I'm Okay Collective website/blog/form but are open to exploring new topics still related to emotional health.
If published on The I'm Okay Collective, you agree to us sharing your creative piece across social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Any identifying information will name the creator as either Anonymous or using first name, last initial, and location as seen in the example above.
You hold all creative rights to your work. The I'm Okay Collective does not monetize anything nor do we seek to make a profit off of your creativity. We offer this space for you to see your creative work showcased with others creative pieces in conversation about emotional health.
* Poems: no more than 1 page, left margin justified (as there are formatting limitations within the website)
* Creative nonfiction (essays, journaling, etc): no more than 1 page
* Art: .jpg or .png attached in an email.
Please send submissions to: theimokaycollective@gmail.com with the subject heading CREATIVE SUBMISSION
Thank you in advance for taking part in our creative collective collaboration!
- Lisa Marie / Madison, Wisconsin
Founder of The I'm Okay Collective
Copyright permissions for all creative content on the I'm Okay Collective web site belongs to the individual authors and artists who made them and cannot be reused for any monetary gain.